Friday, November 11, 2011

5S Process


(You cannot really tell but the two crates are labeled with what goes in them) 

For my application of the 5S process

sorting- I took all the unnecessary items (i.e. GPS unit, iPod, certifications)  on my desk and placed them into a pile. 

straightening/systematic cleaning- - All items I deemed necessary (i.e. pens, pencils, post its, contacts) to have on my desk were placed into separate piles on the floor. I then dusted all items that were in need as they were put into place.

standardizing- since I only have 1 desk this step is not applicable.

sustaining- I will take time after I use the desk each time to ensure that all items are back in place.

safety- My newly organized desk will help to prevent those nasty paper-cuts from happening.

security- This will help me know exactly where all the items on my desk are located.

satisfaction- My newly organized desk will now encourage me to use it for homework instead of hinder me.

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